Thursday, September 20, 2012

Who Needs College?

photo credit: MomMaven via photo pin cc

To a majority of people, college is known as a step into the new world. If one considered getting a well paid job, they would need to have a degree in that subject. With the way the economy is now, it makes it so much more difficult to get a well paying job without a college degree. A college education is not just more schooling, but so much more. College is also an out coming for many people. It helps you to get to know people, and also to get out in the environment and get involved with various activities. As Mike Rose states, "One of the great things about bringing so many people together in this common space, is that you're almost forced to have to deal with and encounter people who see the world in a very different way from your own, ways that you maybe never even thought of." I believe that you never really know who are until you go through college. People find out so much about themselves, through their college years it's crazy. Going to college may be quite costly, but in the long run it's worth it, because you don't want to waste your education. If you look at the outcome of the salary comparisons, you would understand why most people push for college. 

Although so many people say that college is a must, there are also the ones who choose to go down another path. The main reason why people are against college, or cannot go is because of how costly is can be. College can put you in worse debt then the majority of your credit cards. Kantrowitz says "I can see someone borrowing perhaps $10,000 a year if they're majoring in science, technology, engineering, mathematics  computer science or nursing. But I can't see borrowing that amount of money for a degree in art, or humanities, or sociology, because the jobs just pay as well for those fields of study." I agree with him in this article. Some people will try to get a lot of loans through college, not even thinking about paying them back; That's the main reason why most students get put into debt. Some people claim that they simply cannot afford to pay for college, so they choose to join a branch of the military; thus getting their schooling paid for. I don't see anything wrong with that, that's what my brother did, and his life is just fine. 

Yes, there are many ups and downs to college. Some think it is just a major waste of time and money, while the other group of people claim that college is the highlight of your life. When asked why college, no one can really answer the question but you, and you will not always have the same answer as the person next to you. But it is your life, and you must choose which path is right for you.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why College?

Making the decision to go to College is probably one of the best decisions anyone could make. To me, College has never really been a question. I never really asked myself "if" I was going to college, but where I wanted to go.
When I was younger, I loved animals so I always wanted to be a Veterinarian. And to do so, I knew that I would have to go to college. As I grew older, my love for animals never changed, but I decided that I would also like to help people as well. That is why I am choosing to major in Physical Therapy. My whole life I've always been involved in sports, and been around sports medicine. Also, there are so many job opportunities working with physical therapy. 
There are many reasons why I chose to attend College. For starters, I have always lived in Jacksonville, so I have always been in a college environment. I used to consider going away to college so I could be on my own, but then I realized it would be much simpler to stay home for school. I love the fact that I've grown up in Jacksonville, so I know where everything is. For now I live at home, considering I only live about four blocks away, but I will probably get out on my own starting next semester.
Also, with the way that the economy is nowadays, it is so difficult to get a job without any type of degree. Without a degree, I feel that you wouldn't be able to make as much money in a job as someone who does have a degree. My sister never chose to go to college, and I do love her, but I don't want to turn out like she did. I want to make sure that I have money to back me up. My brother didn't go to college either, but he chose to join the military. I know that some choose to not attend, and that's okay, but I feel that if you want to get anywhere in life, college is the first step.
College is also a great way to get to know people. Through high school, you were always involved with the same people every day, but in college it's like you meet new people every single day. There are so many clubs and organizations that you can choose to get involved with, so no matter what you do there's something for you.